Best Buttermilk Ranch Recipe


Get some raw garlic in your life with this great recipe your whole family will love!

Garlic is nutrient-rich no matter how it is prepared! Roasted, steamed, chopped up in everyday dishes.... its vitamins and minerals shine through beautifully. However, most experts agree that the benefits of garlic are multiplied when it is consumed raw.

The Quest

Without heat to destroy its "living properties", garlic is able to do its cleansing and nourishing work that makes it such an amazing food. This knowledge—and an ample supply of fresh garlic—has sparked a several-year quest to find great ways to incorporate raw garlic into my family’s daily diet. I look for ideas and recipes that not only use raw garlic, but are compatible with our whole-foods lifestyle, budget-friendly, and, most of all, quick and easy—because when you grow it, you need more time in the garden than the kitchen! There are several recipes I am excited to share soon, but this one has got to be the first because it is just unbeatable.

Why Homemade?

It seems to be a bit of a sacrilege to me to create a beautiful, fresh salad from the garden, then dump grocery-store dressing on it. Homemade dressings are the way to go for...

  • health

  • the best value for the money

  • taste (manufactured dressings become hard to swallow after you get used to homemade)

A third of my recipe box is full salad dressings...vinegar and oil, fruity poppyseed, fresh herb dips...I like them all! But this is the one recipe I make every week. It seems to compliment about every salad and is a great veggie dip as well. It gets a lot of compliments at parties too. It is a good, basic recipe that does not scare off the picky-eaters among us. Think typical Ranch dressing flavor, just....better!

Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Recipe


3/4 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup buttermilk

1 TBSP fresh parsley or 1 tsp dried

1 small ring or chunk of fresh onion

1 garlic clove, peeled

1/4 tsp sea salt

Dash of black pepper

Place all ingredients in food processor or blender, and blend on high speed until pureed. Transfer to a covered container and store in the refrigerator until ready for use.

That's it! The flavor gets richer with an hour or two of refrigeration, but I am usually snacking on it already as soon as a batch is made! Let me know how you like it, and thanks for reading!

Want to sell your seed garlic with us?

If you are a seed garlic grower who is looking for a place to market your crop, we are looking for more growers!

We’ve shipped garlic all over America

We’d love to add you to our garlic growers map!

Sarah Singer