How to Make Garlic Salve
Raw Garlic has Health Benefits…
…and not just when you eat it! A gentle way to use harness the antiviral and antifungal properties of garlic are in this easy salve recipe. I found out about garlic salve over ten years ago from Rachel Weaver’s Be Your Own Doctor series (Share-a-Care publications). You could say my three babies were raised on it. I turned to garlic salve to treat colds, bronchitis, ear infections and more. No, I am not a doctor—you are in charge of your own health and should do your own research. But if you are looking for a creative way to apply garlic’s healing benefits to your family’s health, here is how we make and use garlic salve here at our farm!
Garlic Health Benefits
Garlic has been used medicinally since ancient times. In the natural health world today, garlic still tops the list again and again as a powerful holistic remedy. It is used for colds, flu, parasite treatment, and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. It has also been found to be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Weaver, 51). It was used as an antibiotic in WWII when the demand for penicillin exceeded production capacity. Renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar says if she were forced to have only one herb in her kitchen, "garlic would be it" (Gladstar, 70). And no wonder with such an arsenal of health in one savory, long-storing little package!
Of all the members of the Allium family (garlic, onions, leeks and shallots), garlic has been found to be the highest in a variety of nutrients, particularly selenium and calcium. A 2015 study by the National Institutes of Health documented several significant benefits to garlic, including
• Garlic can help prevent certain gastrointestinal cancers.
• Garlic is antibacterial AND antifungal
• Garlic boosts the overall immune system (Nicastro,
Garlic and natural health is a topic beyond the scope of this article, but readers are encouraged to research it for themselves. One story I can share happened to a little boy I know. Already hearing impaired, he contracted a bacterial swimmer's ear infection. His mother took him to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, who prescribed him antibiotic drops. The drops made his infection turn into a fungal infection (a fairly common occurrence). After over a dozen visits to ear specialists, the infection was still raging and the child was in danger of losing his hearing completely. His mother finally turned to garlic in desperation and applied carefully-diluted garlic oil made from fresh, naturally-grown garlic. His infection was cured. Please do NOT try this without careful research and medical advice, as ears are extremely delicate and easily damaged. I share this story only as an example of the widely-recognized antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic.
Weaver, Rachel.(2012). Be Your Own Doctor. Share-a-Care Publication
Gladstar, Rosemary. (2012). Medicinal Herbs. Storey Publishing.
Nicastro, H., (2015). Garlic and onions: Their cancer prevention properties. National Library of Medicine
These statements have not been evaluated the Food and Drug Administration, and should not be taken as medical advice.
How to Use
Garlic salve is a gentle way to take advantage of garlic's antimicrobial properties. It can be applied to the soles of the feet, which absorb the salve quickly. It can also be applied to the chest, the area around the lymph nodes at the throat, or where needed. At the first sign of illness, make a fresh batch of salve and apply every hour or two. For bronchial infections, I like to rub it on the chest and cover with a warm rag and heated corn bag. Leave on for 20 minutes or so. The salve has a strong aroma at first but goes away surprisingly quickly. We have found this salve to be gentle and healing, but always test for skin sensitivity before heavy application.
Garlic Salve
1/3 cup unrefined coconut oil
2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
8 cloves peeled garlic
5 drops lavender or other essential oil (optional)
Blend at high speed in a food processor or blender until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve to remove any pieces. In cool weather when the coconut oil is not liquefied, it may be necessary to set the salve in a warm place to strain, such as near an oven or stovetop. Refrigerate for up to 5 days.
To use, remove a small quantity and set at room temperature to soften.