Gardener Masterclass: Creating a Plan for Year-Round Produce
Gardener Masterclass: Creating a Plan for Year-Round Produce
Ready to take your garden from your hobby to your main supply? This upcoming series of Masterclasses are designed to help homesteaders become truly self-sufficient. Classes are interactive and include homework for between sessions. You do not have to have prior experience in gardening to benefit from this class, just an enthusiasm for growing a lot of good food!
Class #1: Planning for a Year’s Supply of Produce
There are two kinds of gardeners: those who plant at the right time and those who do not.
In our industrialized age and mindset, it is easy to think that growing food can happen any time that works with our schedule. Our society locks us into routines and agendas that feel almost unbreakable. And we feel like we have to work in our gardening around everything else to which we are committed. But in doing so we have lost touch with the rhythms of our earth, of life, of even our own bodies.
The fact is, food is pretty important for life. Today more than ever, having a natural, sustainable food supply is critical for our families and communities. That food supply doesn’t just happen on a whim. It takes a whole lot of experience and pre-planning. It takes knowing WHAT to plant, HOW MUCH to plant, WHERE each crop will be planted, and WHEN.
This is easy when you have a good garden plan.
While we have all gardened “by the seat of our pants” at one time or another (and it can be a great way to learn), at some point it is time to get serious about being a reliable food grower. Get to know your family’s food needs, how each crop works, and be ready to get each crop in the ground at consistently the right time. In this class, we will work together to build a personalized and workable plan that fits your garden space and family’s needs. You will determine WHAT crops to plant, HOW MUCH to plant of each one, WHERE to plant them, and finally put together a master plan that tells you WHEN to plant each one so your garden can fit easily into your life and routine.
Session One: Monday, April 7 at 6:45 pm CST
Starting your garden plan. Determining what crops to grow and amounts for a yearly supply.
Session Two: Wednesday, April 9 at 6:45 pm CST
Creating a garden map and crop rotation plan.
Session Three: Friday, April 11 at 6:45pm CST
Putting it all together. Creating a garden calendar and master plan.
Session One: Monday, May 12 at 6:45 pm CST
Starting your garden plan. Determining what crops to grow and amounts for a yearly supply.
Session Two: Wednesday, May 14 at 6:45 pm CST
Creating a garden map and crop rotation plan.
Session Three: Friday, May 16 at 6:45pm CST
Putting it all together. Creating a garden calendar and master plan.