Baskets of Love

Baskets of Love

from $50.00

Join our Farm Family!

Want an affordable and dependable source of natural food, with a lot of love thrown in? By subscribing to our once-a-week farm baskets, you get the pick of the crop with our fresh seasonal produce, homegrown preserves and seasonings, delicious homemade bread, farm eggs, and more. These fun baskets are a great way to try a variety of seasonal vegetables, learn more ways to use fresh produce, and enjoy a taste of the farm in your kitchen.

Our Produce: On our farm, we grow tomatoes, fresh salad greens, sweet potatoes, melons, summer and winter squash, cucumbers, herbs, Irish potatoes, garlic, peas, carrots, apples, berries and more. We use 100% natural growing methods and source our fertilizers from our farm.

Our Eggs: Get a dozen multi-colored farm eggs with each produce basket! Fresh eggs from our pasture-raised flock of heritage breed layers.

Our Bakery: Baking is the specialty of our oldest daughter, Elizabeth. Enjoy her homemade yeast breads, sweet breads, pies, cookies and more, all made with fresh and natural ingredients here in our farm kitchen. Each basket will feature a different fresh-baked item for you to relish. Let us know your favorites and we will make them again just for you! Gluten-Free option available.

Our Farm Products: All our baskets include one or more of our homemade jellies, salsas, freeze-dried snacks, or seasonings. We also share our favorite recipes for seasonal produce, preservation tips, crafts and more. Thank you for your support!


State Required Labeling: “This product was produced in a private residence that is exempt from state licensing and inspection. This product may contain allergens. PO Box 422, Vilonia, AR (501) 514-4348”

Cash option available. Call for prices and information.

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How it works:

Your baskets will be available for pick-up each Saturday from 8am to 12pm at the Vilonia Farmer’s Market, or you can set a time during the week to pick up at our farm in Vilonia. Select “Local Pick-Up” at checkout. We will call or text you to get your preferred time.

Too busy for pick-up? Call us for delivery options and pricing. Local delivery only.

You can help us recycle by returning your empty basket when you pick up your next full one. We will clean it and return it to you in a couple weeks loaded up with more great produce. Not mandatory, but appreciated!

What is Special about our Produce?

Healthy soil = Healthy vegetables = Healthy family

Our bodies get vitamins, minerals, and other “building blocks” essential for good health from vegetables and fruit. But too often produce is grown on depleted soil, either from chemical-based farming methods or from well-meaning natural growers who do not know how to really improve their soil’s fertility. Depleted soil yields nutritionally-poor vegetables, which in turn do not give the body the optimum nutrition. A carrot grown in depleted soil with chemical fertilizers may look like a carrot, but it may not be offering all that a carrot is meant to offer.

At our farm, we take our soil and family health seriously. We not only grow with all-natural methods, but we practice careful garden rotation, rest periods, and use lots of balanced and natural fertilizers to keep the soil as rich as possible. We are not just going for production and appearance, but for true health and quality. Our goal is that each piece of produce grown on our land carries the most nutrition possible for our own family and for those of you who share it with us.