Echinacea Seeds

Echinacea Seeds


Each packet contains 25-50 seeds and includes planting and tincture instructions.

Purple Coneflower is an endangered wildflower native to North America known commonly by its Latin name, Echinacea. Its beautiful purple blossoms are excellent for pollinator gardens. Summer is not the only time that echinacea benefits its environment, however. Leave the seed stalks in place for winter as a great source of feed for wild birds! Echinacea will come back year after year once established. It does well in southern gardens as far south as Zone 8a. Planting instructions and a list of our family’s favorite recipes for using it medicinally are included with each order!

  • Incredible, immune-boosting properties

  • Leaves, roots and flowers can all be used in teas, tinctures, and more

  • Easy to grow and fits well into any garden or foundation planting

  • Show-stopping purple flowers in summer

Plant in Fall or early Spring

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How to Plant:

Method 1: Plant after first frost of fall in well-prepared soil. Mulch lightly. Keep area free of weeds until echinacea sprouts in mid-spring. Seed loss may be high with this method.

Method 2: Place seeds with about 1 TBSP of moist sand in a freezer bag, and place in freezer in early January. In early February, remove from freezer and start in pots indoors. Let grow in a sunny window or warm greenhouse until ready to transplant in mid to late spring.

Once established, echinacea will come back from the roots every year and may self-sow around its growing area.