Homesteader’s Guide to Growing Comfrey

Homesteader’s Guide to Growing Comfrey


Comfrey is an amazing plant. A member of the borage family, comfrey produces wonderful amounts of large vibrant leaves covered with fine stiff hairs. In the spring, tall stalks flower into strings of delicate, purple bells. Plants grow 2-3 feet tall, depending on the variety, and can spread rapidly. Comfrey is one of the oldest plants cultivated for medicinal purposes and has a long history of successful use.

Yet in modern gardens, comfrey is rare. Many gardeners are unaware of it, while others have tried to start a patch but without success. There was even a movement decades ago to raise doubts about its safety, leading to a lot of conflicting information about comfrey. In this guide we cover uses and safety precautions for comfrey, how to integrate comfrey with your homestead or garden, and comprehensive growing techniques and tips. Considered an invasive plant in some climates, in the south it can be challenging to grow. Yet once established, it has remarkable heat tolerance. Get this invaluable herb off to a great start with this all-you-need-to-know guide for growing comfrey!

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Concise and practical information, including…

  • Natural Health and Comfrey

  • Using Comfrey for Livestock

  • Site selection

  • Amendments

  • Maintenance and Propagation

  • Tips for Desert and Deep South

  • Tinctures and other uses